Fang the Cat

a children's story about a thoughtful cat

Fang was a yellow cat with orange stripes and a long, white tooth.

He lived in a cozy house with a mouse named Small,
a goldfish named Bubbles, and a kind lady.

The kind lady was a potter, and every day she made pots,
jars, and bowls out of clay.

Some pots were tiny like Small, and some pots were large enough for Fang to hide in.
Some pots were round like Bubbles' goldfish bowl.

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Fang the Cat was written and illustrated by Dave Wolfson.



Fang is a thoughtful cat.  With his friends, Small and Bubbles, he has an adventure with the kind lady's pottery.  Fang knows just what to do when the unexpected happens.

"Fang is an amazing story!  I read it every year to teach my students about loyalty, integrity, friendship, and love." 
       - Leslie Engel, 2nd Grade Teacher

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